So you are going on an adventure! Flights? Check. Accommodations? Booked. Activities? Planned. What else could you need to do? Ah, yes. Your lovable fur babies will still need to be cared for while you are away. This is something that you should always be prepared for if you have pets. I am pretty unforgiving towards people who can’t properly care for their pets, whether they travel or not. You chose to get a pet, now you are fully responsible for them. It is no different when you are traveling without your pets.
There are a lot of things to prepare before you set off on your trip, so I decided to sit down and make a list of what you must have ready for your precious pets before you fly off to new places.
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Who will care for them?
This is the first thing to consider when you are making plans to travel without your pets. There are a few options when it comes to pet care. You could board, hire a pet sitter, or ask a friend or family member to take care of them for you.

Having a Friend or Family Member Care for your Pet
This is my preferred option when I travel without my pets. I have some close friends who live nearby and are happy to care for my cats while I am away. The benefit of this is that you know and feel comfortable with a friend coming into your home and keeping your pets. It is easy for you to keep in contact with your friends and they will send you cute pictures while you are gone. I miss my cats when I am away, so pictures keep me going!
This is also the cheapest option, as friends and family members will either charge you nothing or just a small amount. I will, in turn, watch their pets for them and pick up a gift for them while I am traveling. Depending on the person, I may stock some beer in the fridge. Even if they don’t ask for compensation, it is common courtesy to get them something for caring for your beloved furry children while you are away.

Pet Sitters
Pet sitters are people who will come to your home and care for your pet. Some will even stay in your house and care for everything while you are away. You can usually find a good pet sitter through a company such as Rover, or you can do a quick google search in your area to find a local or independent business. What you choose will depend on your price range, but it is ultimately the most expensive option.
I recommend reading about the person you choose and checking their reviews. You want to choose someone you will be comfortable with entering your home. This is my second choice for pet care because it can be very stressful for animals to leave home. They are already going to be a stressed over your absence, so I like to keep my cats at home so that they still have familiar scents surrounding them. For me, it is worth the extra cost.
If you are curious about what a pet sitter does, read this article by Stacia from Stumble Safari. She goes into detail about pet sitting and everything that goes with it.

My last choice for pet care when I travel without my pets is boarding. I don’t think that boarding is all that bad, and I have used it before. I have also worked at a vet clinic and cared for boarding animals. Boarding can be less expensive than hiring a pet sitter. You can choose a boarding facility, which is designed to not only make sure your animals are well fed and cared for, but they also provide them with enrichment and socialization. Some facilities even have cameras set up so you can look in on your animals and see how they are doing. These are the more costly places to board.
The other choice would be to board at a vet clinic. This can be cheaper, and you know that your animal is in good hands if anything happens to them. I will say from experience that they will get less socialization and the runs can get loud. I would suggest checking to see if they keep dogs and cats in separate rooms, as your kitties may not enjoy being in a room where they can hear dogs barking.
Also, if you board, you must make sure that your animals are up to date on all vaccinations, are on flea and tick prevention, and have been dewormed. Most vet clinics will still give them a flea treatment on arrival as a preventative measure, and other boarding facilities will require proof of vaccinations and other treatments. Make sure that you hold on to your receipts from vet visits. You will need them when you go to board your animals. The benefit of boarding your pets is that you know that they are with animal care professionals and if there is an emergency they will know what to do right away.

Know Your Animals Needs
Does your pet need to stick to a specific diet? Are they on medication? Do they experience separation anxiety? You need to ask yourself these questions before you leave. If someone is coming to your home to care for your pets, make sure to leave a detailed description of your pet’s routine, and leave the information for your veterinarian. If you can keep your pets on the same feeding schedule, that is the best, but it may not always be possible. I talk to whoever is watching my pets and make sure that they know their schedule, but I also tell them what they can do alternatively if they can’t make that schedule.
Make sure that you show your pet sitter or friend where you keep all of your pet supplies and medications so that they can find them easily. Likewise, if you board, take your animals food, medications, and even a toy or blanket from home. I would suggest taking a blanket that smells like them and also you. They are sensitive to scent and trust me, they like how you smell. Sit down and make a list of everything your pet will need while you are away. You will feel better while you are traveling if you know that your pet is well cared for.

Added Comforts for You and Your Pet
Pet Cameras
Because I leave my cats at home when I travel, I like to know that they are happy and doing well when I am away. I have a Pet Cube, which is a small camera that I can use to check in on them while I am gone. I have one that allows me to talk to them and also has a laser pointer so I can play with them. They love it! You can also get one that dispenses treat, which would be great for dogs. If you do choose to have a camera, make sure that the person coming over to watch your pets is aware of it and is ok with you having it on. If they are not, you will need to go without. You don’t want to come across as a creeper. I keep mine in a place that a person wouldn’t pass by frequently, but where my cats go regularly. I also only check it when I know that no one should be at my house with the cats.
Get a Pet Cube camera with a laser pointer here: Amazon
Get one that dispenses treats here: Amazon

Water Fountain
Another thing that I like to have for my pets is a water fountain. They hold a lot more water than a bowl and some even filter it. I told you my cats are spoiled. This gives one less thing for your pet sitter to refill every day, and your animal will enjoy nice fresh water. Apparently, cats prefer drinking running water. I haven’t really looked into this theory, but my cats sure do get excited about water running out of the tap, so I believe it. You can also get one for less tha $30. I call that a good deal.
Get a water fountain for your cats here: Amazon
Get a water fountain for your dogs here: Amazon

Smells Like Home
I mentioned that your pets are sensitive to scent already. You may be tempted to wash your sheets and everything before you leave on your trip. I would suggest washing them a week before you leave and then letting yours and their scent get back into them before you leave. The same goes for a blanket you may send with them to board. A familiar scent will be comforting to them. I would hate for my cats to forget what I smell like while I am gone!

I like to have treat dispensers in my home. They are an excellent way to enrich your pets while giving them a puzzle to solve. My cats have both figured out my treat dispenser, and get excited when I fill it. Dogs always love a good Kong filled with peanut butter. Allowing them treats while you are away is a great way to keep your pet happy, and also make you feel better about leaving them. Can you tell that I feel guilty about leaving my fur babies?
Get a cat treat dispenser here: Amazon
Get a Kong for your dog here: Amazon

Large Animals
Large animals such as horses or cattle can be even more difficult to find care for while you are away. Cattle may be fine to be left to graze, but horses have sensitive digestive systems and need a slightly more controlled diet. If you live on a farm, chances are there are other farms around you. It pays to be friendly with your neighbors, as they may be the most experienced people for the job. My parents have family members near them who can care for their horses while they travel. The caveat is that they are not all that comfortable with handling horses, so if anything happened to one they would need to call in the vet. Boarding is an option for horses, but it is rather expensive and I have never used that option myself.
The most important thing to consider when looking for someone to care for your large animals is whether or not they are comfortable with the job. If not, make sure they have someone to contact who is in case of an emergency.

All in all, the message here is not to forget to prepare your pets for travel as well. They are being left behind and deserve the best care possible while you are away. You want to enjoy your travels knowing that your sweet animals are still being spoiled in your absence.

I love my cats and miss them something awful while I am traveling, but knowing that they are in good hands makes me feel much better. I am fortunate to have such great friends to care for them while I am off galavanting around the globe. If you have awesome friends too, make sure that they know how eternally grateful you are.
Do you have pets? How do you care for them when you travel? Leave your tips in the comments below. Also, if you have particularly cute animals, send me pictures! I would love to see them!
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The animal pictures in this post are SO ADORABLE. I am in love.
Ever since we rescued our two mutt Maine Coons, traveling has been so hard. They were left alone in a house for a long time with 5 others when their owner died. They were taken care of the best that they could be, but I have a feeling this tragic incident and time alone gave them abandonment issues.
Whenever our babies see our luggage, they freak out. One drools like a 100-pound dog. We do have a house/animal sitter, and they love her, but they still get upset. Unfortunately, we cut our two-week vacations last year and now this year to one week. We get to see more places but spend less time in them: it’s just too much for the cats. We come home to a mess and stress. They behaviorally get litter box issues too…. So emotional.
We have a water fountain that they love–borderline obsess over. We also plug in pheromones that are semi-expensive and debatable if they work. …And like crazy people, we have a cat cam…. Yup.
Love this post, and as a cat owner of 4 beasties, great advice.
Maine Coons! You have some big kitties! That is unfortunate that you have to cut your trips short, cats are worth it!
My cats know when I am packing for a trip for sure. They start to act up a bit more than usual and enjoy rolling around in my suitcase. One time one of them even peed in it. I have since learned not to leave it open and unattended. They do really well with my friend who watches them, thankfully. Arya has a tendency to hide from strangers, so I have to acclimate her to new people. Sophie is a social butterfly and loves everyone. I’m not sure who she takes after. Certainly not me.
The water fountain is the best! They stared at it for days after I got it and Sophie would play in it. They have since calmed down, thank goodness. I have never tried pheromones, but mostly because I hear mixed reviews. The cat cam is one of my favorite things. I have a delightful drunken memory of showing all my friends at the bar my adorable cats. Best night ever.
Thank for reading and for always being so supportive! You are the best!
Aw, thanks!
We have a new cat cam that you can talk into. Once my husband did, which scared the poor little guys. They couldn’t figure out where he was, which was honestly pretty sad. When we are traveling, I will wake up to my husband checking the camera before and after bed. He misses his children.
The cutest, though, is when we get home. At first they pretend to give us the cold shoulder…all mad that we left. But then they start running in circles, throwing themselves into the wall lol
My cats are so sweet when I get back from a trip. They come running to the door, meow and want to be pet. It makes me feel very special. Haha.
Awesome post! People should always make sure their sitters/boarders know EVERYTHING about their fur babies before they leave!
It is so important! I leave information even after telling them everything. Just in case!