Ah, Summer. The season of adventures, concerts, festivals, beaches, and outdoor bliss. Summer is the “on season”. Everyone goes everywhere. The kids are out of school, college students are going on trips, and everyone else just wants to enjoy the warm weather.
I love Summer. It is not my favorite season, but the warmth and abundance of activities are infectious. I try to avoid big trips in the summer because I hate crowds (the whole quiet girl thing). However, I love to take little weekend trips and to go to local events with friends in the summer.
Since I assume you will all be running around this summer, trying to see and do it all, wrangling kids, friends, other family members, and planning everything, I will help you out a bit. You may forget to pack a few things when you leave the house.
Whether you are taking a long vacation, a long weekend, or even just a day trip this summer, these essentials need to be in your bag!
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If I could shout this across the rooftops I would. You need sunscreen! I will argue that you need it year-round, but it is essential in the summer. The sun is at its strongest and is ready to burn your skin. Protect yourself!
If you haven’t had a terrible sunburn yet, I have and can tell you that it is not worth it. If you are one of those people who says you tan after you burn once, just stop. That may be true, but sunburn ages your skin and increases your chances of developing skin cancer. There is no safe tanning.
The sunscreen I am using this year is Australian Gold Botanicals in SPF 50. It works and absorbs well into the skin. Pro tip: Anything over SPF 50 isn’t worth it. This sunscreen is reef friendly, dermatologist tested, and cruelty-free.
Stop Squinting
I think this one is a given, but unless I am driving myself somewhere, I am likely to forget my sunglasses. I imagine others share this struggle.
Just like your skin, your eyes are sensitive to UV rays. That is where sunglasses come in. They protect your eyes and the skin around them.
I tend to lose sunglasses, so I don’t invest in expensive pairs. However, I recently purchased a pair of sunglasses from Shady Rays. They are $45, so more than I would usually pay, but they will replace lost or broken sunglasses for free! Sold!

Cover Your Head
I feel like I am anti-sun here, but the sun can also damage your hair and scalp. Wearing something to cover up your scalp and hair when you will be in the sun for a long period of time is crucial.
I know you are thinking, but what about that Instagram photo I want to take with my hair flowing in the wind? Girl, take that hat off, take the picture and throw it back on. Better yet, find a cute hat and take a photo with it on. It’s a win-win!
Depending on your own personal style, you can wear a cap, hat, bandana, or hair wrap of any kind. I tend to wear a cap, but I do love my wide-brimmed straw hat for more tropical locales.
Take Care of your Hair
In the summer it seems like your hair gets extra dirty because of sweat, but it is being dried out more by the sun and heat. A good dry shampoo can go a long way in helping you wash your hair less.
Summer is pool season, and the chlorine and other chemicals used in swimming pools can do some real damage to your hair. This is especially the case for people who dye their hair, and people with thin or fine hair. If you are a blonde, natural or not, you have probably experienced green hair at some point in your life from the chlorine. It’s the worst.
One way to help your hair out when you swim is to rinse it with water prior to swimming and to put a little coconut oil in it. Do not wash your hair before swimming as this will strip your hair of the oils that protect your strands. The coconut oil will add an extra layer of protection while you swim, and then you can shower after without doing too much damage.
My favorite dry shampoo is ‘No Drought’ by Lush. It smells amazing, is sustainable, and it comes in powder form, so easy to get through TSA.
You can buy a big vat of coconut oil and put it in smaller containers to carry with you when you travel. It is nice for travel because it is solid at room temperature. (You can also use it as a moisturizer and makeup remover. Multifunctional!)

Stay Hydrated
If there is one thing that we can all agree on, it is that you need to stay hydrated in the summer. That heat will get to you if you don’t. I have different water bottles that I take with me for different purposes.
When I am flying and packing minimally, I travel with my collapsible water bottle. It has been a great conversation starter for me due to its unique design. Also, it doesn’t hold a crazy amount of water, so if you like to have a lot, you may opt for something larger.
My everyday water bottle is a glass bottle. It is big and I swear the water tastes better in a glass bottle. I carry this one on road trips because I can take up more space.
No matter what vessel you choose, water should be going with you on all of your adventures this summer. Just make sure that the vessel is reusable!
Carry only What you Need
Guys, fanny packs are back in style now I swear. If you need to carry more things, take a backpack, but if you only need a few essentials a fanny pack is the way to go.
You can get them in all different colors and designs. Mine is blue with strawberries on it. I can fit my phone, passport, Kindle, disinfecting wipes, wallet and more in mine.
Look stylish and also super smart this Summer with your very own fanny pack! Or just get one so that I am not the only one wearing one.

Keep the Bugs Away
Assuming you are traveling somewhere that mosquitoes thrive, you will want a good bug spray. Not only will this prevent an itchy bite, but it could also prevent the transmission of some diseases you don’t want. Of course, this fully depends on where you are traveling, but that discussion could take up an entire post.
For areas with lots of biting bugs, bug spray with DEET is usually recommended. Too much DEET can damage certain plants, animals and even yourself if you use too much, so make sure to follow the instructions and don’t overdo it.
If you have sensitive skin or bugs don’t tend to like you, a natural repellent with citronella, lemongrass or the like will be good for you. It is less effective than the sprays with chemicals like DEET, but it will still help.
Be mindful about where you are when you use bug spray. Certain places do not allow it, mostly places where the chemicals can harm the environment. Also, if you are wearing bug spray, be extra careful not to touch the wildlife, especially amphibians and reptiles. It is not good for them.
You can find a bug spray with DEET here, and a natural spray here.
First Aid Kit
Not the amazing Swedish folk duo, but an actual first aid kit is even more essential in the summer. We tend to get out more and go on adventures. With adventures come injuries. You will want to have some good bandages, antibiotic ointment, and treatments for things that you can anticipate.
If you are particularly attractive to mosquitoes, you should have something to treat bug bites or an anti-itch cream. You will want to have some sort of pain reliever, motion sickness meds, and indigestion meds for all the delicious foods you are going to try.
I also like to have aloe vera gel available for when I inevitably get a sunburn (you forget to reapply sunscreen after a pina colada or two).
I like to create my own first aid kit, but you can find small ones with the basics on Amazon to get you started.

A Good Book or Podcast
Would it even be an article by me if I did not promote reading? This quiet girl loves to get lost in a good story, or even an educational podcast. For travel, I take my Kindle everywhere. You never know when you need to take a break and read for a while.
I also really enjoy going on hikes in the Summer, and I always listen to a good audiobook or podcast. Walking is a great time to catch up on a story or to learn something new. You won’t waste a minute!
If you have any book or podcast recommendations, let me know!
Enjoy Your Summer!
Most importantly, for your Summer adventures, you will need an inquisitive mind and an explorers’ soul. See something new or go to your favorite local place. Whatever kind of travel you prefer, embrace it and have the time of your life.
Are there any Summer travel essentials that you always take with you that I did not list here? Let me know in the comments!
Traveling this Summer? Check out my guide on how to avoid getting sick on an airplane.
I think this was a fabulous post! I think you covered all the essentials! I can’t wait for my summer vacays!!!
I love that you included fanny packs! I agree that they are totally back! Haha! I use one at work. I like your strawberries one. I might have to get it!
I’m so ready for some summer trips! Fanny packs are so in! I really love mine. It is really convenient for flying because everything is right there! So accessible! And stylish!
Can I go off on a tangent about Neosporin here? Not even related to just the summer essentials, but OMG I always need to have some on me. I am not sure if this is still the case, but when we travel to Europe, you can only get a similar product with a prescription. I sliced my fingers multiple times abroad; cuts get infected fast for me because of the auto-immune suppressants. No one carried gel or first aid supplies with anti-bacterial like Neosporin. Therefore, my cuts raged on. I had to talk to at least 5 pharmacists and even asked in different EU countries as we were hopping around. No one carried it and told me to go to the doctor first. I never leave without Neo since it’s a miracle cream. Also, I am with you: get the floppy hat, sunscreen (the sun is killer in Florida and so bad for your skin), and duh, this chick needs a book!
I have heard that about Neosporin in Europe! I always have it around mostly because cat scratches are gross, but I always get scrapes and cuts somehow. I sometimes don’t even remember how they happened.
Many of my friends think I’m crazy for avoiding the sun like I do, but we will see who has the last laugh when I still look young at 40. Mwahaha.
That’s us in FL now. People say we look younger than we should. It’s because we grew up as vampires in CT. LOL