Hello friends!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Keri. I am a Southern girl living in the Midwest with my two cats, Arya and Sophie. Animals, travel, books, music, and food are a few of my favorite things. My goal in life is to see as much of the world as I possibly can. I like to experience life rather than just live it, and I would like to share that with everyone so that maybe I can inspire some other quiet people like me to go out into the world and truly experience all the wonders that it has to offer.

My goal for this blog is to not only inspire others to travel, but to be informative about the places I’ve traveled to and to be open and honest about my experiences. I have a Masters of Public Health and am passionate about the topic, so I plan on incorporating that into some of my more informative posts. I love to do research and be informed so I plan on sharing that with my readers!

So get out there, whether you go with a family member, a friend or just by yourself. You will always meet new friends along the way. It’s easier to find adventure than you may think. You just have to take that first step!
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